Du skal være en del av et prosjekt som skal levere et produkt. Prosjektet trenger en måte å jobbe systematisk i produksjonen av produkter. er en prosess drevet management metodikk som fokuserer på leveransen av produkter fra et management ståsted.
Jeg leverer kurs og workshops i PRINCE2. PRINCE2 (PRoject IN a Controlled Enviroment version 2) er en prosess-drevet prosjekt management metodikk.
PRINCE2 er basert på 7 prinsipper, 7 practices og 7 prosesser
7 Principles:
Continued business justification (Not only IT or marketing justification)
Learn from experience (Saving valuable lessons)
Defined roles and responsibilities (Who has what delivery?)
Manage by stages (Control points throughout the project)
Manage by exception (Continue if everything is still according to plan )
Focus on products (Make the delivery measurable, and focus on that)
Tailor to suit the project environment (Tailor PRINCE2 to size, risk etc)
7 Practices:
Business case (Why?)
Organization (Who?)
Quality (What?)
Plans (How? How much? When?)
Risk (What if…?)
Issues (What Now?)
Progress (Where are we? Where are we going? Should we carry on?)
7 Processes:
Starting up a project (Pre-project)
Directing a project (For the Project Board)
Initiating a project (For initiation)
Managing a stage boundary (To plan for next stages)
Controlling a stage (For assigning work and dealing with everyday things)
Managing product delivery (Formal process to handover work)
Closing a project (To wrap up the project